Monday, April 26, 2010

Jewelry Box Makeover

So I was out thrifting once again... and always wanted a jewelry box with compartments so I could have my "jewels" all nicely organized and separated.  As of now, they are all tossed in one box and I end up shaking them to hopefully allow the one I want to fall out of the crowd.  So I came upon this box for $5.99 and thought "Okay, this has different compartments.  I'll get it!"  Hmm, not enough compartments though.  But once again my daughter was going to a friends birthday party (3 weekends in a row -it's no wonder I thrift shop!) and decided to do up this little box for her friend.

Here is what it looked like when I bought it.  And $5.99 is pricey for this mess of a thing, but it has cute form!  And potential!!!

I primed it.

I thought a nice sunny yellow colour would look great and fun for a young girl.  The spray paint I used is actually called sunny yellow.  It also had a wind up music player in the back missing the turn knob, so I had one I saved from my daughters broken toy with the song from Sleeping Beauty: "Once Upon a Dream"  I love that song... "I know you I walked with you once upon a dream..."  Are you singing along with me?  

Okay, here is what the lovely lady looks like now:

Whoo hoo, look at that leg!

She has inner beauty as well!  What a fun blue!

Cute handles too!

Well, I think she turned out pretty.  And summery!!  She was almost too cute to give away.  Are you a fan of yellow?  What a way to brighten up a room!


I am linked to:


  1. That is just about the cutest thing I've seen in a while. I really like the yellow with the blue interior. You are so clever. Thanks for your post. I won't be passing up those tattered looking boxes anymore, what a great idea for a gift. And making it a music box!!!! Brilliant.

  2. Ohmygoodness, I just love every single little thing about this! The color choices here - absolute perfection!

  3. This is too cute! I love that it looks like a dresser!

  4. Yes! That is adorable,,,,especially with the great blue inside. Nice find!

  5. So much cooler. From ordinary to edgy. Nicely done.

  6. Thanks all, now if only I could find one to keep for myself...

  7. I love the yellow and blue! I would totally end up keeping this for myself. It is just sooo cute! You have way more self control than me :)

  8. Very very VERY cute! Did you spray paint it? It turned out perfect. :)

  9. Great job! I am your newest follower, please join my first Twice Owned Tuesday Party.

  10. I love the yellow!!! I have sunflower wall in the house :)
    I am following your cute blog, come follow mine :)
    Thank you for your sweet comment. Made me smile :)

  11. Spray paint... yes! It's the only way to get all those tiny little edges and corners and leave it streak-less. Thanks for looking.

  12. I love this! I'm having my first party this Thursday and would love it if you shared this and your other cute crafts!

  13. I have a jewelry box that needs a makeover too! I'm totally inspired, now.

  14. Wow! My daughter inherited an antique jewelry box from her grandmother very similar to this one, but with more drawers and I can't believe I never thought to paint the darn thing! This is a fabulous idea! If you do this kinda thing for all the birthday parties, I bet your daughter's friends love her gifts!


  15. How cute! It looks like a mini dresser.

  16. "I know you, the gleam in your eye is so familiar a gleam..." I was singing along!
    Beautiful jewelry box!
    I love the yellow and its makeover, and its legs :)
    I AM a fan of yellow!
    And the wall color you have in this room.
    Thanks for coming by my home and the sweet comments about my bedroom!
    Blessings to you today as you make your home!

  17. Wow! Great makeover! Very cheerful, what a great gift! Thanks for sharing @ Anything Related!

  18. Very cute! I LOVE that yellow!!

  19. OH MY!
    It's so GORGEOUS now.
    You did a PERFECT job re-creating this.


  20. uhmmmmm...... this is AWESOME. so awesome, in fact, that i would steal it.

  21. I love this re-do. I just bought a similar box for $2.50 at a thrift shop. I think I might spruce it up now. Thanks.

    Also, thanks for submitting. This would be a great addition to a project re-do in the magazine. I will be in touch.

    Tara @ Trendy Treehouse!!!

  22. Thanks Ladies, I hope all your jewelry box makeovers go GREAT!!

  23. I love that color! I want something that color in my bedroom :)

  24. Super cute idea! You just gave me a good one for an old jewelry box I have :)

  25. What a wonderful piece--my daughter would go ga-ga over that! Thanks so much for linking up to my Under $100 party.

  26. just came from remodleaholic-this is darling! great idea for all my neices (i only have boys)! thanks
    also newest follower!

  27. Just wanted to let you know that I featured this.

  28. I seriously adore this!

    Thanks for Hookin' up your link to my first link party!!

  29. I featured you at my link party this week. Feel free to grab a featured button!

  30. What a nice present that won't be forgotten! I would have loved to get that as a little girl... heck, I'd love to get that right now! :)

    Sorry this is so late but thanks for linking to my FLaunt it Friday party. Hope to see you back this week!

  31. Oooh! How I love that! So easy and it turned out so beautiful! Stopping by from Sunday Showcase Party.
    -Mama E

  32. A really cute idea--great way to upcycle!

  33. Simply gorgeous! What a fabulous piece and the color is stunning. Thanks for joining The Sunday Showcase. I greatly appreciate it! Hope you have a wonderful week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  34. Charity- This is the cutest thing ever! I have a little jewelry box I found on the side of the road, not quite as nice as this, but now I know what I have to do with it! Thanks for the inspiration!

    p.s. I know it has taken forever, I am making my way through party links so forgive me. But I am featuring this project today at 5:00 so come check it out! Hopefully you will get some great traffic!

  35.! I'm really loving this because it looks so much like my own dresser. Now I'll be on the hunt for one too. Was the blue velvet already in there? Those colors are just perfect together. What a super cool Birthday gift! I hope it was well received.

  36. Yes Angel, the blue velvet was already in there. Glad you like it.

  37. I linked to this post on my very first blog post:

    You are the second "this." I hope you can stop by!

    This post has caused me to search for a cute jewelery box when I thrifting!

  38. So cute. Love the color. Thanks for sharing.

  39. What a great idea! I am going to have to do this to my jewelry box.

  40. Great contrast between the yellow paint and blue interior. Gorgeous!

  41. This is adorable! I really need to add some yellow somewhere. Thanks for stopping by today, glad I found your blog, off to look around.

  42. I love the color, especially with the teal velvet liner! So funky and gorgeous!

  43. Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    God's blessings,
    Sarah :D

  44. I love the yellow, what a great idea for a gift. Way better than a toy that would soon be forgotten.

  45. Charity, I love this! I also painted a jewelry box a sunny yellow - although it's a bit bigger than yours. Check out my project! I'd love for you to follow my blog as well!

  46. Hello,

    What a difference some yellow paint can make! I love how you painted it yellow, drawer pulls and all. It's really cute! I hope you don't mind, I featured your box in my jewelry box makeover round-up. You can see it here:

    Thank you so much for sharing :)

  47. I wish I had paid attention to the quality of the inside velour - the blue in yours is divine! Here is my own makeover:

  48. I featured your jewelry box feature in a post at SheekGeek:

  49. This jewelry box looks amazing! It's astonishing that you were able to refinish it yourself! The jewelry box truly looks like it was professionally done! I would love to have something like this to hold all of my jewelry!

    Sara Welsh |


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