Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Life (times 2)

I got this candle/vase for a wedding gift (almost 10 years years now).  I have had it in random places, but was mostly growing tired of it.  It never had a great spot to shine.

So I was getting all excited about moving things, and recycling old things, and I considered this candle an old thing ready for Good Will, until...  I found some rocks that I have used in various projects around the house, and decided to dump a few in.

Ahhh, new life!  What a change, and it really did look great in my bathroom.  Notice how I used the word DID.  My 22 month old little girl had climbed onto my bathroom countertop, and had (I like to think accidentally) knocked it off the counter, where it came crashing down into my bathtub, and made the loudest noise I've ever heard!!!  (okay that was dramatic, but it was extremely loud!)  With all that glass, and all those rocks, you can imagine.  I ran into the bathroom and saw it's fate.  Hmmm.  While I was tidying up the mess I ended up getting a piece of glass stuck in my foot, that I didn't noticed and walked on it all day, until later that night it was throbbing.  More hmmm.

Sad though all this is, finally at peace with this candle only to have it fall to it's death, I was able to save the candle and give it new life.  Isn't she a beauty in my new lantern??  

Finally a place for her to shine.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful lantern. Was that thrifted as well? Just found you through HOH's link up and became your newest follower.


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