Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brick Wallpaper

I know, what happened to me for a whole month hey?!!  Sheesh.

So I have to say I have so many different projects on the go that I haven't finished one, but are in the middle of all of them.  If it weren't for my sister coming over and randomly suggesting she help me put the wallpaper up in my sons room, who knows when I would have gotten to this project.  I DID however have the supplies for it because I did want to do this.  It was a great 2 man job anyways!

Here is the wall in my sons room which I wanted to add wallpaper.  Why wallpaper...?  Because I found a cool brick-like one, and it was perfect for my boyish room.

We cut one strip at a time to make sure it all fit, and the bricks lined up properly.  I bought this roll at Home Depot for $24.99.  I have to say, that even though my sister and I were meticulous in our measuring and cutting, when it came time to hang, we had two short pieces!!! 

What went wrong?  I have no idea, but I had enough wallpaper to fill in the shorter spots.  Problem solved.

p.s. if you were wondering why I am wearing a CAPE in the picture below, it's because I was also having my sister dye my hair at the same time (hence the cropped photo!)

This is my sister hiding from the camera as we measure and hang the wallpaper.

We (okay it was she) soaked the wallpaper in the bathtub and counted 30 seconds.

Then we folded the wallpaper in onto itself to activate the glue.  
We did not press the sides down, we just let them bubble over (make sense?  haha)

Finally we hung the paper on the wall, and used a squeegee to press out the large bubbles.  It worked out great.  We did have to put towels at the baseboards from the water dripping.  I waited until the wall paper was all dry before cutting it on the top and bottom to measure up perfectly.

Here is what it looks like now.  Fun hey?!

It doesn't look like it in the picture, but there is a ledge where I stopped the wallpaper.  That's why I only did half of the wall.

It was much easier having two people to hang the wallpaper and keep company, so consider that when you decide to hang wallpaper.  Although I have to say I think I would much rather stencil my walls than hang wallpaper ever again.  Personal choice.

Now I just have to finish decorating his room.

But for now, he loves the brick!

Any new wallpaper projects for you?


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