Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Magnetic Memo Board

Long time, No see!!

I finally found a cord that will upload my pictures to my computer.  Why I didn't buy one, don't ask, it's what I do apparently.  

So I finished a long forgotten project and I am so happy with the outcome.  Shall we dive in?!!

Once upon a time... there was this frame... my Mom owned it, gave it to me, I gave it to my brother, he put it out near the trash bin, my Mom called me saying he was throwing it out, I said I didn't want it.  A few days later I had an idea for it, and frantically (doesn't it always have to be frantically) called my brother to grab it from the garbage for me, and from there it became .... my precious!! (did you do the voice for "my precious too?)  My 3 year old has been watching The Chipmunks Chipwrecked, and the cute little chipmunk says that phrase and so my cute daughter has been gargling her raspiest voice and repeating it.  It's hilarious!  

Woah!  Way off topic.

...So I got the frame.

Yes, this is it.  love it or hate it, it works for what I wanted it for.

However after obtaining the frame, I primed it white (forgot to take pictures), and it sat in my garage for over a year.  Why did it sit in my garage...?  Well because I was waiting to find a piece of sheet metal to fill it.  When I couldn't find one, i gave in and bought one at Home Depot for $25.  Yes, that was a lot for me to dish out on a project, but again, so worth it!

By the way this is a large frame.  3x4 feet.

Does that make the sheet metal a better price now....?  Am I trying to fool myself...?

I (as in my sister) stained it for me with leftover stain she had called Minwax Early American Stain.  We added about 4 coats to get the right shade I wanted.

This is how it turned out:

We used a rag along the sides, and an old toothbrush to get in all the detailing.

 Love this quote.  I found it on pinterest.

Done.  Worth it?  

I love it!

Frame: free
Sheet metal: Home Depot $25 (3x4 ft.)
Cute magnets: Micheals (3 pack) 27 cents

Total: $25.54


  1. It looks great! You rubbed the stain on right over the primer? Or did you have to paint it first?

  2. Melisa, I just rubbed the stain over the primer. I did about 4 coats, to get it to my liking.

  3. Great job! I was wanting to make a scrabble board that folks could play on the go and was wondering if magnets clung to sheet metal...thanks for the tutorial! ~Elizabeth<3


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