Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summer Fun

Wow, has it really been a few weeks??

We've been keeping busy in the meantime, and I will probably get more regular again in the Fall (I know, it's coming soon!)

I thought I would share some of the fun we've been having this summer.

I have to say, I don't think I have ever had a summer so wet!  Almost everyday there is a chance of thunderstorms!!!  But you learn to recognize that the weather channel is not always right (or mostly), it seems to me anyways, so you just have to go about your plans anyways.

With all the thunderstorms it sure left some beautiful skies: This was taken from my back deck.

I love the sky!  Although to actually see tornado clouds is quite terrifying!

Some backyard camping was in order, and guess what... it rained then too! Notice my husband on the phone?  Oh the luxury of being in the backyard.  And, oh the loveliness of having a fence for privacy!

Definitely have to fit in a beach trip!  It didn't rain until we left.  Phew!

Don't forget the tree climbing!  So simple, and so much fun!

Take the kids somewhere new... downtown!  When you get to buy some lunch along the way, who can complain?

This was a fun little spot to take photos downtown.

Can't forget to go to an amusement park!!  Especially with family, the more the merrier!!

It wasn't a busy day, so the kids went on ride after ride after ride, without hardly waiting in line.  They went on this one SO many times!!!  Can you see why?

Then theres the camping!  Good old outdoors!  Too bad we didn't have a bathroom.  But we were civilized enough to have a small shower tent that we set up and just shovelled our ..... to bury, and shifted the tent to a new location!  haha, I had to hold onto the tent once because it was windy, I didn't want it blowing off when I was busy!!

I love it when we got to take the rhino's out!  All the kids loved it too!

Our path!

Some hiking!  The rocks were deadly!  Sharp pieces everywhere!  All kids and adults make it out alive and without a scratch.

Again, all the kids made it!  They were so motivated to get to the top.

We were planning to go caving.  This would have been my first time, but with all the rain, it would have been terrible hiking!  So we postponed it.  After seeing the exit of the cave I was secretly very happy it rained so much and we didn't go caving.  This is a little claustophobic for me!!

There were gorgeous wild flowers everywhere!!!  If only my garden would do this on it's own!

My son's a charmer!  Since he was a baby, he's been surprising me with rocks and flowers!!

4x4-ing back down the mountain.

I'm guessing deer poop.  Although moose were spotted in the area.  Thank heavens it wasn't bear poop, I would have been outta there!

Oh the loveliness of this little stream!  There was thick green moss everywhere!  The ground was so bouncy!!

Through a summer full of rain, we have actually had a lot of things to do, and a lot of fun.  Isn't anything great when you get to spend time together as a family!

What have you been up to this summer?  What's your favourite memory this year?


  1. I just came across your blog through Skinned Knees and love it. Beautiful photos...especially those first two of the sky - incredible. I'm now following and look forward to seeing more from you!

  2. what an absolutely stunningly beautoful blog! very inspiring :)
    ~ suzanna

  3. So...I am totally inspired by ALL of your projects. I too am a frequent thrift store goer, but I'm not as lucky when it comes to finding things. Thanks to you, I plan on looking a bit harder now.

    I love your hutch/shelf. Great job!!!

  4. I absolutely loved your project on Tatertots & Jello!! I was completely inspired. I'm your newest follower!! Thanks for the inspiration!


  5. I LOVE your glad I found it! I just started blogging and am both amazed and overwhelmed with all the great content out here in blog world!!

    I would love to feature your menu board over at my site. Let me know what you think!

    Keep up the GREAT work

  6. I like your crafts! And especially the prices :-)
    Glad to have found you!


I love hearing from you!