Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Coming Up...

So I have a few projects that have been in the works, but have been pushed aside to do other things (laundry, lunches, swimming lessons, guitar lessons, homework, taking a break...).  But, I thought I would show you what I am up to:

Glass tile!  I love the look of this stuff.  I have been wanting to finish "something" for awhile now, and it seemed that glass tile was perfect for this project.  And guess what... it was on SALE!  I am getting closer to finishing, I just have to buckle down and do it!

Second, this has been a summer project that is still in the works, this may have to be a 3 part project, but it's coming too!  So don't dismay, I will share the goods as soon as I get my butt in gear!!

As for now, enjoy your day, the weather here is glorious!!


  1. I LOVE glass tile! We put it in the kitchen of first condo and then used the leftovers for our fireplace!

    You can see a preview of it almost finished in this post: http://tarabeingtara.blogspot.com/2010/06/updates-for-you.html

  2. Somehow my comment got posted to another post, but I love the playhouse!


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