Friday, September 17, 2010

Decorate with Nature

So, I am going thriftier!  Really??  Can that happen?  Of course, want to try?

Look at these fun crafts you can make to decorate your house for the Fall using the great outdoors!

Oh, oh, oh... I have some twigs in my yard!!

How rustic of you!  Very unique!

Do you have any berries in your neck of the woods?  I think I might try this, it's so cute!

Rocks, hmmm, I think I just might be able to find some around here somewhere (only all around me!)
This is so (I think I say cute too much) CUTE!

That's it!  This is way too cool.  And cheap!!  I have to make this.  It's way better than the wreath I have right now.

Could those leaves be any more the perfect colour?!

A pinecone garland?!  Oh, I am getting giddy.  I'll have one of these too!

Nuts!  And after you're done you can eat them!  haha, is that gross?

It's apple picking season!  Why not grab some extras and use them for  display?  It looks so fresh.

Go clip a few strands of wheat!

Gather up what's left of your summer flowers, and bring them indoors.  These flowers are artfully displayed as pumpkins!

Another attractive centrepiece.  
"Why where did you get that lovely centrepiece?"
"Oh, just my backyard!"

It's just a twig!  But look what it can do for you!

So what do you see that you like?  

I am definitely leaning towards that leafy wreath, like I said I really need a new one, and free is the best!

Are you using nature this season?

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