Friday, September 3, 2010

What I Love About Autumn

Autumn is absolutely my FAVOURITE time of year!  And for me it begins Septmber 1st.  Infact, the other day it was a dreary day.  Gray and cloudy... and I was in the best mood ever!  Dancing around, singing, smiling continuously....  Why?  Because I can feel fall in the air.  It's crispness, yet warmth.  So I was driving through the country and being in such a good mood that cloudy, cool day I got thinking as to what I love most about Fall.  And well, I thought I would share it with you.

Number 1:
I love when the kids go back to school.  Not because I don't want to be around my kids, but because of number 2 below.

Number 2:
I LOVE organizing!  And as much as I love my kids, and being with them and around them, I can't wait to get some time on my hands and sort, chuck, organize, and beautify my surroundings.  I love it!

Number 3:
The colours.  Ahhh, warmth.  I love all the vibrance.  Taking walks in the Fall makes me happy.

Number 4:
Cooking.  I just can't handle cooking in the summer (it's hot, and I don't want the oven on, or time wasted being indoors).  But come the cooler weather, and I love being in the kitchen.  And I love cooking homemade soup.  (We had potato soup last night already! Yum)

Number 5:
Baking!!  I prefer baking to cooking.  I enjoy both, but I love baking in the middle of the afternoon.  And I love trying new recipes!

Number 6:
Harvest.  There is nothing prettier than driving through the country and seeing all the farmers out in their fields scattering hay bales everywhere.  It makes me feel at home.

Number 7:
Pumpkins.  These bright orange vegetables are so cheery. I love seeing them on porches.  I try to have them around as long as I can.

Number 8:
Family photos.  I prefer my family photos in the Fall, I like warmer colours.  My sister does photography, she took this picture of my hubby and me.  You can look at more of her work here.

Number 9:
Hot drinks.  There is nothing better than a warm drink to chase away chills, and make you feel more relaxed.  I love having hot chocolate.

Number 10:
Slippers!  I hate wearing socks, and will wear flip flops for as long as I can, but come cooler weather and I LOVE my house slippers, they make my feet happy.

Number 11:
Candlelight.  I have always been in love with their warm glow.  I have many lanterns (remember my collection).  And I light them all the time in Autumn and Winter.  It makes my home feel cozy and welcoming.

Number 12:
Sweaters, and blankets.  I love being wrapped up.  It's like a hug when you can pull a warm blanket around you.  I also love those long thick sweaters with a tie.  They are like a housecoat, but a little more chic!  Just wrap me up!!


What's your favourite thing about the Fall?  What do you love most?


  1. Hi Charity-

    I LOVE autumn also. It is my favortie time of the year for all of the reasons you posted about and more. Seeing your photos is getting me excited for Autumn to arrive. I can't wait.
    My best- Diane

  2. What a great tribute to fall!! I love it....
    If you like tomato soup, come on over to
    I have a great recipe, try it with grilled cheese, yummy!

  3. Glad you like the Fall tribute! I do like tomato soup. I will have to check it out!


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