Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Chocolatey Treat

Just when I thought things could calm down a little, and I can get my life in order.  I was on a huge organizing kick (and can I just say I was right in the middle of it! Stuff was everywhere!!!)  when...

My husband walked in the door from work last Thursday and sets down this adorable little thing:

I was SHOCKED!  Just when I thought "yes, the weather is nice, maybe I can get to stripping a piece of furniture I am dying to do!"

Nope, that piece of furniture is going to have to wait because I have been thrown full throttle into puppyhood!  

You may think "what on earth was your husband thinking??", well it wasn't too random of a thought because we had been discussing getting a dog for over a year, and when my sister in law said she would give us hers because life was getting to crazy I said "Of Course", because I knew he was such a good dog.  So after a month of preparing for this addition we were told they decided not to give him up.  I was devastated.  But I told my hubby that now probably wouldn't be a good time to have a puppy, but eventually.  Somewhere in that conversation he got it into his head that a puppy would be my cure all.

Well he is pretty dang cute isn't he!

So with all my plans to get some things done, everything has once again been put aside for puppy training.  I have diligently been scouring the internet and library for anything that will help me, help him become the perfect dog!

I don't have a clue about dogs!

But there was no way I wanted to give him back.  I guess my hubby really knows that surprise might be the only way to get my compliance. He did that two years ago too, he brought home a kitty one night.

This is what I have learned:

-he can chew through a jug of milk within seconds (I was changing a dirty diaper, and my daughter couldn't lift it on the counter with her little arms in time)
-his new favourite chew toy is a milk jug (empty this time!)
-he will eventually pee outside (keep up the consistency)
-it only took four days for him to settle into sleeping without his mommy
- he can jump over my tupperware barrier while I am out, but cannot get back in, leaving him in my closet with all my shoes (yikes!)
-he has a personal assistant with my toddler carrying around all his toys for him, for when he may need one
-the kids have learned that running away from him only makes him run after you!
- he learned to sit, lie down, wait, stay and be gentle all within 6 days!  (there's hope for a gentle giant)

What did we name this handsome fellow?


And he suits it just fine.


  1. He is adorable!!! I have a chocolate lab named bear and LOVE her dearly. She has the most gentle soul!!! My best advice is to be the boss, they are dogs not people, don't spoil him, love him and be firm and he will be a fantastic dog!!! Good luck!

  2. Oh my goodness. He is so cute! I just want to hug him...and smell his puppy breath.

  3. What a beautiful pup! Look at those FEET - he'll be huge one day!

    My only piece of advice is what Dad told me when I was younger: "Kids, dogs and horses - you raise 'em all the same." And so far as I can tell, he was right. Dogs, especially single pups, need a mother, then an alpha (just as Laura says above). A firm 'no!' and ear rubs will get you farther in obedience than treats ever will.

  4. Oh my goodness, he is adorable! My husband and I are starting to think and look at getting a dog. Yours definitely makes me want one that much sooner!

  5. your new puppy is too cute! Good luck with the training. I dislike training so our dog is an outside dog! Love your costume ideas too! Madison wants to be a cat and I think Dallin is going to be an eye ball! yikes!!

  6. We have a 13 year old female black lab named Kona and a 5 year old male chocolate lab named Hilo. I love those dogs, and they are so tolerant of my boys. I think we're going to have to put our black lab down, and it just makes my heart hurt.

  7. Thanks for all the tips, trust me, I need them. And sorry to hear about Kona Staci, I know we will be just as attached to ours too.

    And I love hearing all the dog names, I like to hear what others enjoy.

  8. Dogs are the best companions! He's adorable! Enjoy!!! :)

  9. Aw! What a sweetheart. I love the name Jack, too.

    You won't regret it!

  10. Oh my goodness... too cute!! We have a Chocolate Lab, and she is such a joy! :)

  11. awww jack is beautiful, just beautiful xxx

  12. Now that is some serious chocolate! He is so cute, i love Labs, they are the best dogs. So sweet and lovable. I would definitely echo some of the other comments, you need to be the boss. I would also add that you should try to include this little guy into your family as much as possible. The more exposure to kids the better. You are going to love him.

  13. Ok, Mr. Jack is just about the cutest thing ever!!! I love chocolate labs. Congrats on the new puppy!!!

  14. Charity, I found your blog on Angela's FB page, this is Denine McMahon from Whitby years ago now in Edmonton.
    I love your puppy, we have a little dog OREO. The best help I have had is from the "DOG WHISPERER" the guys name is Cesar Millan. He is so amazing. His shows are on the Discovery channel or national geographic channel hmmm channel 93 for us. He has books out , and a magazine.
    DVD's and he is on a world tour right now. Should be in Calgary this week. You will love what he can teach you about your dog and about us as owners of dogs.
    Have fun.


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