Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Walk in the Park

So , the past couple weeks I've been soaking in all the Autumn-ness around me, because it doesn't last that long.  I wish it would , but it doesn't.  I am lucky if I get 3-4 weeks of beauty before the wind blows all the leaves off the trees, and they are left bare for the next 6-8 months.  Which is why, as I said in an earlier post that I start my Autumn on September 1st.  To get the most out of it.

Here are some shots I have taken while my family has been out for a Sunday drive, a short hike, or hanging at the park.  It was really windy today, and I could see all the leaves blowing off trees, and I am just praying it stays a little longer.

This photo makes me want to breath it all in.  It was taken while driving (hence the blur, and reflection of my car window).

This one too, was taken while driving.  Too bad I couldn't just sit at the side of the road and admire it longer.  

Oh, the wild west.  What a serene little spot for a home.

I love all these homes tucked away in the hills.

The sun scorching the fields just before it sets.

I'm loving the suns rays, and the long shadows.

Haha, my hubby was driving, and I was hanging my camera out the window trying hard to not loose my grip, but I had to get this one in there too.

This was probably the best day to go to the park, so colourful, and perfect for a stroll with the kiddies.  What a great day!

Orange and blue are great complimentary colours.  Can you believe the colour of this sky!

It's so relaxing just meandering through the woods.

I loved catching the sun peeking through the trees.


We love going here.  Especially in the Fall, when it's a nice warm day and there are no mosquitos. 

Hubby and me.  A gorgeous view in the back.

The kids think it's pretty cool too.

Where do you like to go in Autumn?


  1. Such pretty pictures! We went on a hike in Kananaskis last weekend and the trees were that exact same yellow colour. So pretty!

  2. We started a new tradition today. We went to our local fair. In the past, we've gone in the summer- the top of the ferris wheel was cold! I love your photos- thanks for sharing them. I was surprised by how green Fall can be in our part of the South. We have LOTS of pine trees!

  3. Leigh- the top photo was taken in Kananaskis:)

    Christy-A local fair sounds so fun!!

  4. You are as talented as your sister with that camera!! Awesome pics....I even could tell where you were! Love, loved all the colors!

  5. That's so ridiculous! So pretty!!!! Our California fall has just given us a few cold (70s and 80s) weather!! Love to see the seasons through your pics and love your little projects!


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