Friday, November 26, 2010

A Little Bit Awkward, A Little Bit Awesome!

Once upon time I came across this post called "A little bit awkward, a little bit awesome", and I laughed to tears! All the while thinking of all my awkward and awesome moments as well.  Lets share shall we...


- Going to find a salesperson at Walmart to ask a question and having an attractive guy turn around to help me with the most amazing blue eyes.  And then blushing because my mouth is open and I'm staring, and blushing more while I am desperately trying to remember my question!  (I do LOVE my husband!)

-when I threw my hair in a quick ponytail right before my company came over, only to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror AFTER they had left to realize my pony decided to take the shape of a cone on top my head.  Ahh.  Why didn't I look in the mirror, why didn't I look in the mirror!

- telling my sister in law that I can pick up her daughter on the way to school everyday because it's on my route, only to have my vehicle break down and ask her if she can pick up my daughter for the next two weeks (ugggh!)

-meeting someone new for the first time and I have "sick voice" and sound like a man.  No REALLY I am not a man!!

-having a potential tenant come over to check my basement suite, and having my puppy pee in the entrance "Please excuse me while I clean up this pee, and then I can shake your hand"

-awkward: having to chase my puppy around to get my bra back EVERY morning! (I know, hide it right?  I DO!)


-when my puppy tore the diaper right off my toddler because he has an obsession with urine...?!!  We both laughed!

-seeing my puppy enjoying the snow (so cute)  I love the ear bouncing!

-how my baby girl will sit snuggled up on my bed with a pile of picture books to browse while I check my emails!

-watching my yearly favourite Christmas movie "Little Women" with my daughters.

-being nervous for my sons first basketball practice to have him tell me he LOVED it and thinks it's AWESOME!

-the fact that my sister came over to drive me around to do errands and a little Christmas shopping because I have no vehicle!

-having my house already decorated for Christmas!  And listening to Bing Crosby relentlessly!!

-a fellow blogger leaving me a sweet comment, "your blog is on my list of favorites,and i enjoy it very much." Makes my heart smile.  Thanks Deb!

So, lets hear your awesome and awkward moments this week.

I love to hear them!  It makes me feel a little less awkward, and a little more awesome with friends at my side!

Thanks to this little lady for starting this goodness:


  1. What a great post! Thanks for sharing your awkward and your awesome. It is so important to realize that life is full of both! Here are some of mine...
    Awkward, taking my darling daughter bra shopping for the first time and having ithe MOST obnoxious hiccups the whole time, seriously so loud!
    Awesome, having my dear sweet daughter thanking me for the obnoxious hiccups because she knew everyone was looking at me and not her!
    Love your blog!

  2. Awkward - Trying to impress my brothers new G/F and making her a cocktail, only for her to have an allergic reaction and not be able to breath, and got a rash all over her face.
    Awesome - Having a fun night away in the city and salsa dancing!
    Loved this post!

  3. Awkward: many to choose from.
    How about my first day of high school, walking up the stairs to get to my class, tripping on the stairs and falling backwards, grabbing onto some guys backpack in front of me to steady myself only to have him fall with me down the stairs...and him just happening to be super hot and a senior! What an impression.

    Awesome: When my children show genuine gratitude for the things I do daily for them.

    Fun post, didn't see it until now.

  4. Sager Studios- the SAME thing happened to me!
    EmTea-definitely awkward!!


I love hearing from you!