Monday, November 15, 2010

Sweater Cuffs

So, I have this sweater...

which I hated wearing because the arms were so tight they felt like... 


Yes, the chinese finger pull.  I know you've tried them!  And wouldn't that be so annoying feeling like your arms are in a pull all day!  So what did I do...

Chop it up and use it for a craft!

This is only the pockets of the sweater, but I did use the whole sweater for a project I will show you soon.

What can you make with sweater pockets??  Sew them up the side, and...


I guess you could call them arm cuffs?  Or maybe arm warmers??

All I know is...

This little one now feels like the coolest cat around!!

You want some arm cuffs too now right?!!

What did I do with the rest of the sweater?  Stay tuned...


  1. So cute! I want one of these for me.

    Visiting from The Girl Creative

    Maka'z Home

  2. She is definitely a cool cat.

    But I was really hoping you had a fix for the Chinese finger pull sweater. I've got a couple of those myself...

  3. First fo all, she is too cute! Second, LOVE the cuffs!

  4. So stinken' cute! With a little imagination a lot of things are possible. Looking forward to seeing what you did with the rest of the sweater.

  5. oh how adorable! She is so cute!! Please come link up to Ladybug Blessings Handmade Tuesdays @

  6. Great refashion! She is such a doll! Come check out my latest refashion at:

  7. Cute! I love they way you shared this post. Thanks for linking up at Trendy Treehouse.

  8. Those are SO SO SO CUTE!!!! Your daughter is beautiful!

  9. These are precious! I will have to make some for my little girly! New follower via Whatever goes Wed :)

  10. supercool, like a rock star.

    i have a sweater like this also, and, as it has no pockets, i am still holding off on cutting it up... but in my mind it has been already many things: a bag, a pillow, sleeves with inserts, and my latest idea is to cut them open and simply add a 'corset' ribbon for extra space... kind of like this idea here,, only my arms go into the corset rather than a coffee cup.... what do you think?? Corset on the outside of the arms...


  11. Rose, definitely a corset for your arms. I love the link you sent, and I think having them on your arms is way cooler than coffee cup:) Keep me posted when you finish your sweater project!

  12. Very cute idea! I love the has a winter feel too..nice and cozy!

  13. I love how you repurposed the sweater! These are great for covering gaps between gloves and sleeves too!

  14. oh so cute. i have no sweaters to use for this, but i'll be on the look out!! wow!!

  15. How cute! She looks so warm...her wrists do at least! I'm guessing you made a pillow? No? Then I can't wait to find out!


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