Thursday, March 3, 2011

Second Hand Love

So, you should know by now, that I kinda have a thing for second hand.  (Don't cringe, you have it too, right?!!)  Well all things garage sale, and thrift store are my friends.  Remember I got this coat at this garage sale over the summer...

Remember the fact that it was FREE because it had a small tear on the side (which took 2 mins to sew)...

Well I have made good use of this coat this winter...

(Me, Sister in law- Meg, Sister- Angela- she never poses normal!! Sister- Shawna)

2nd garage sale find... $2 (she said she hardly wore it and I believe her, it's so shiny still)

This coat has been my friend in the -25 C (-13 F) weather we have been having lately!

This picture was obviously taken when it was warmer out (way back in September!!)

Second hand can be your friend!  It sure is mine!

2 coats = $2 = sweet deal!

Happy Day!


  1. finding cheap gems at the thrift has been my new love! :)

  2. Ah! I love the puffy one with the fur hood! Second hand is the best.

  3. So cute! I have a jewelry box too in my top middle dresser drawer.

  4. That is a great idea!!! I LOVE how its looks on your dresser.
    I have some odd thing that I found somewhere. Not to sure what it is but its a stand with swirls that act as hooks for my earrings. So it works and I don't question its past. haha!

  5. I found an Express Graphite Gray Velour blazer for $.49 at a thrift store last week! Awesome score!

  6. I am all about the secondhand love. My home is filled with it. From free lamps to a great hoosier cabinet found at an auction for dirt cheap. With a little help from my bestfriend paint I've really been able to make my house a home with secondhand finds.
    I haven't really gotten into the secondhand clothing yet but I your coat finds inspire me.


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