Monday, April 19, 2010

Blue Bird Box

So I got this box at the thrift store, and I knew it was a good one.  So I bought it for $3.99.  I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, but boxes are always easy to find something to do with, it makes cute storage for any item.  Okay, so my sister in law just had a baby.  Yeah!  So I decided I would use this box to make a gift for her little guy.

Ooops, I guess I deleted the before shot, but it looked like this but gray-ish and chipped:

After painting the box an heirloom white, I started with the inside.  

I got a book from the recycle depot and started tearing out the pages (yikes... don't hate me.  I am recycling it!!)


Then I used mod podge to glue the torn pages into the inside of the box.

Looks good so far!  Then I picked up this little bird from the dollar store.  

I was wanting him for myself (because he is so cute), but I placed him on the box, and he just had to stay.  I painted him blue.  Who doesn't think a little blue bird is cute!

I painted the top of the box blue, and added scrapbook paper into the glass frames, along withsome personal touches - my nephew's name is Beau.  So cute!  And here is the end result:

I love how it turned out!  Now I just have to find my nephew a cute little outfit to go inside.  I hope you enjoyed!!


  1. So adorable! Love it! Coming over from Between Naps on the Porch and a happy new follower!


  2. Great job! I love the bright blue colour!

  3. Cute! I love the paper and the embellishments!

  4. That looks great! Yes, those boxes are always good for something, even if you are not sure when you first see them. That would make a great keepsake box for all his baby milestones, too!

  5. Thanks for your comments! I was hoping it would be a keepsake box, we'll see...

  6. That is adorable and such a thoughtful way to give a gift, I'm sure the box will be treasured!

  7. Greetings! This is just so precious, and your sister-in-law is especially going to love that you have "Beau's" name on it. Great job!
    Best regards,

  8. Super cute and great thrifty find!

  9. That is just SO cute, and I have tons of scrapbook paper because I scrapbook as well, I'll have to keep an eye out for a box as I have a baby shower coming up to go to and this will be so cute! P.S. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment on my blog!

  10. Hi Charity, I just love the adorable keepsake box you made for "Beau". I have a nephew turning two in May. I picked up a shadow box a few days ago that I want to make for him. I'm trying to convince my sister (his grandmother)to snip a curl from his hair without mommy knowing so I can add it to the shadow box....Hoping it turns out as cute as what you did! I'm now following your lovely blog.

  11. Oh! Tweet! Sorry, I couldn't help myself. This is so cute. I love it!


  12. I love this!! You were very creative and it looks like a million bucks! (Ok, or a lot more than $3.99!)

  13. cuteness, you are very talented and inventive!!

  14. I LOVE this little box! Anything with a cute little bird on it just gets me :) Especially in that lovely colour of blue!

    Thanks for sharing!

  15. Too Cute! Love the little bird. Are you in Edmonton? Cause if you found him at the dollarstore, I wanna know which one... can't find anything that cute where I am looking!

  16. This stuff you come up with just blows me away. How did you secure the paper to the glass?? Love the way this turned out.


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