Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Thrift Store Quick Fix

So again, thrift store hunting (now it may seem like I go a lot, but in fact I just go occasionally and buy a few things each time) and I came across this.  I knew right away what I wanted to do with it.  Give it a chic finish and eventually put some geraniums in it (when I find some for a good price).

Here is the before:

I added some gold craft paint that I had on hand, then added black once the gold was dry.  While adding the black I had a wet rag that I would wipe certain areas with to allow the gold to show through.  I was happy with the result.  I also had some semi-gloss varnish that I applied, but wasn't too happy about using it.  I had to put it on with a brush which wiped more of the black off, and let even more gold show through.  Some unexpected added bubbles to the finish (oh well),  next time I will just use a spray varnish.  

But it all worked out in the end.

It looks great on my fireplace mantle in my bedroom.

Notice the colour of the wall in the background.  That's a sneak peek of my husbands and my effort this weekend towards our bedroom makeover.  More to come later.  We have lots to do to it still.

A peaceful resting spot.  Thanks to my thrift store for providing a new feature in my house, and for $2.49!


  1. Looks so much better darker! Looks nice on the stack of books!

    Stop by Pandora's Box to enter a giveaway! ~patti~

  2. It's a cute piece. You fixed it up nicely.

  3. The 'before' just didn't look right. Your new paint color really brought it all together, and now it looks like it always should have! Great job!

  4. Don't you absolutely adore finding something great in a thrift store? Nice vase. Please stop by to visit anytime! Sincerely, Susan

  5. It looks great with the dark bottom and just perfect where you placed it.

  6. That looks so great, you did a wonderful job on it!

  7. I love the new color. Very pretty and very expensive looking now.


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