Monday, May 17, 2010

Garage Sales Weekend!

So, Saturday was the first official day I have actually been able to get out and hit a few garage sales... Okay, more than a few!  A lot!  Want to see what I got??  Brace yourself, and don't call me crazy.  No irrational purchases here!  Just all things wanted and needed.  Well there is one irrational buy, I'll explain shortly.

Sidewalk chalk: $1
(my girls love these!)

Bauer rollerblades: $3 
(amazing condition- my son won't take them off his feet they are so fun!)

Life vest: $1
(perfect for my toddler for our summer of swimming!)

Cute Umbrella: Free
(who doesn't need one of these, they break so easy- free is my kind of price)

Baby swimming pool: $1
(I was going to get one anyways, now I saved about $11)

Floating boat: $1
(We are going to use this on our holiday when we go floating down the river)

Do you think I am crazy yet?  Or do you see anything you would have bought?  And yes, my van was getting fuller, but wait... there's more!

Nightstand: $5
(I was squatting in front of this and deciding if it would look good in my bedroom -with a makeover of course- and I noticed this lady hanging around me and eye-balling this.  I kept touching the drawers to let her know I was undecided but interested.  I was apparently taking long when she finally asked me "When your done deciding and your not going to take it, I will" Panic, and answer "I'm taking it!" So in the van it goes too.)

Oh, but here is the funny part...  I went to another garage sale and saw this one and decided this suits me more, so what did I do?  Bought it,  and now I feel bad for the lady who wanted the other one.

Nightstand: $5
(This one needs a makeover too, but I have already wiped it down and it looks so much better already.  I also moved it into my bedroom and      I love it!)

So my van is getting pretty full, yet I am still going strong!

Platter: $1
(Sweet treats are waiting for you!)

Thingy: $4
(I am not sure what to call this but it's oh so cute, and I have a home for it in my bedroom.)

Small suitcase: $1
(Besides the dirt that needs to be wiped off, it's in excellent shape!)

Two chests: $1 each
(They are going on my bookshelf to store something I want to hide)

Two winter coats: left one: free, right one: $2
(And just in time, the one I bought at a garage sale three years ago is ready to be tossed.  Two new ones and for $2 - why thank you!)


Barbie house: $7
(Now my girls have a few too many dollhouses, but this is by far the best one, so I'll have to get rid of my cheesy homemade one, and make room for this one - impractical?  They LOVE it! And $7, how on earth could I pass this up?!)  

By now, my daughter that was with me was being piled on, and I decided it was time to go home!  

Grand Total: $34
(Definitely not how much I usually spend, but oh so worth it, and I think I may be done garage sale-ing for the rest of the month, I need to return some bottles to the depot to earn my next outing!)

Find anything you like?  

My kids sure did!

Don't you feel like you were right there with me?!

Enjoy your Monday!


  1. WOW! great finds! it's been raining nonstop here in kansas so it's been hard to get out to garage sales- def will be hitting some up this weekend!

  2. Awesome! Would have definitely purchased the "thingy"!

  3. all great finds! My husband is the expert garage seller in our house. lovely blog.
    nicole visiting from

  4. Wow! You got a ton of great stuff! I sooo want to go to a garage sale now!

    Thanks for popping over today :) Actually, I have a tutorial on how to put the links on your side bar: The images themselves are found at the linky party sites, usually at the top of that party's post.

  5. You found some really great stuff! I love finding things I need. I really like that 2nd night stand and the white dish!

  6. Following over from Trendy Treehouse.

    Stop by and enter my giveaways:

    List PlanIt

  7. Love your purchases! You are too cute, I'm so enjoying your blog (sorry for the enormous influx of comments - ha!)

  8. You are right, these are awesome finds!


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