Thursday, May 20, 2010


"These are a few of my favourite things..." - Sound Of Music.  Didn't you love that show?  

So I am in the middle of so many projects right now (and they are BIG ones).  None of them are completed, so I can't post them just yet.  But I thought I would write a post about one of MY collections.  As I have posted some trendy collections of owls (you can check out here), and a collection of chandeliers (you can look at those here), also a few mobiles I thought were cute (you can check out here).  But lanterns is what I love, and I am slowly growing a collection.

It started with this one: 

I got it at Superstore a few years after I got married, and I love the moroccan style because when I light it up and the room is dark, it leaves the neatest shadows around the room.

This next one, I found at a garage sale and the lady asked how much I wanted to pay, and I said "50 cents".  She said sure!  What a deal, and I love this one because it holds a taper candle that sits right in the middle.  I light this one a lot.  I love the shape.

My brother was moving and was getting rid of his lanterns, so I bought them off him for $10 each.  They are patio lanterns, and they are huge, they go down to the floor.  I love them.  Right now I have one in my dining room, and the other in my bedroom.

This green one I found at Homesense. I LOVE that store!  It was on clearance, and I loved the colour of it.  It's so fresh looking.  I got it this Spring.

A few days after I found the green one, I found this white one at the local thrift store for $3.99!  It's sitting on my dresser waiting for a candle.

These star lanterns I took a picture of when we (hubby and I) were in Mexico this Spring.  They had a whole bunch of them hanging from a tree on the street.  It was very pretty.

And these lanterns were in Mexico also, and they are made from coconuts!  I wanted to get one for my sons room.  They plug in!  I thought they were neat too.  

So, there you have it.  Am I obsessed with lanterns or what? 

They are so pretty and create a nice light which creates a nice mood.  Ooooh!

What about you?  Have any lanterns kicking around the house?


  1. WOW! You have some super cute ones too!! I need to keep my eye out for some!


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!

  2. I love Moroccan lamps too :)

  3. What a fabulous collection of lanterns! Something about the glow of a lantern is so comforting. Great post!

  4. I am here via Follow Me/Friendly Fridays.
    What a nice blog you have.

    I am currently hosting a giveaway to celebrate my recent graduation from college. It only took 23 years. :) I hope you'll stop by and enter.

  5. No lanterns, just a few oil lamps. Love your blog, found you via FMF. Stop by to see me sometime.

  6. gave you an award at my blog!!!!


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