Thursday, May 6, 2010

His & Hers Hooks

So, onto the second bridal shower gift...  If you missed the first, it's here.  I started out with these two wooden plaques that I got at the Michael's Craft Store.  They were $2.69 each.

I primed them and painted them white.  I figured I would make the project a black and white theme, since that is what she is going with for her wedding colours.

I remembered a stamp I bought that I love, and hadn't used for anything yet, and this was the perfect project to use it for.  I painted the stamp with black paint and blotted on paper towel to make it a lighter more distressed shade.  Although, this picture I have posted below was before I decided it needed to be lighter (I had to make a quick fix!).

I bought these knobs and two back plates at Home Depot for $1.48 (knob), $.98 (back plate).

Of course I wanted these to match too, so I painted them black as well.

I had a friend make some vinyl up to say "HIS" "HERS", and the little stinker wouldn't let me pay for it!  But supposedly it would only cost a couple bucks (so keep that in mind- still cheap)

Lastly, I drilled a hole in the back to screw in the knob and back plate.

Okay...   ahh, are you ready for it!


And there you have it!

I forgot to mention that I am putting a thing on the back (I can't think of the name of it - but I know what it is in my mind), so that you can hang these on the wall, and with the little knobs you can hang anything off them... towels, bathrobe, jewelry, ties, whatever!!

I am pleasantly pleased with myself.  Cute!!!  Well, enough of me, I hope you get inspired!!

Wooden Plaques: $2.69 each
Back Plate: $.98 each
Knob: $1.48 each
Stamp: Had on hand
Leveling Hanger (the hook on the back): $1.49 (set of 6)
Vinyl: from a friend
Total: $11.79

I am linking to the parties on my sidebar.


  1. I absolutely love those. I love the stamp you used for the background. So So cute.

  2. Ooooh these are fabulous! I love anything with fleur de lis and these are gorgeous!


  3. LOVE these. I was just in hobby lobby yesterday and they sell a few different His & hers Version hooks. I loved them:)

  4. Very cute! I would never have though of using a stamp to create a pattern. Everyone's been into the scrapbook paper lately, so I thought that' what you would use. Great idea!

  5. Hobby Lobby! What they have them? You mean I didn't make this up?? *sigh* Well come now, they weren't as cute as mine RIGHT? haha

  6. HI!

    This is a great project!

    Thanks for linking up to my PARTY, but it's a(celebrations) Link Party! :)

    Still, I love getting to know your blog...


  7. thanks for stopping by a little lovely!! your blog is super cute and i love that monogram project :)

  8. Very cute and what a great idea for a wedding/shower gift!

  9. These are so adorable! The perfect shower gift! ~Marcy

  10. Would've never thought of this for a shower gift - but it's perfect! And Cute!

  11. These are great! How creative! I am sold. New follower! Come visit if you get a break from being crafty:)

  12. What new bride and groom wouldn't love these?!

  13. These turned out adorable! Love the stamp. What a fabulous gift! Thanks for stopping by and joining the Sunday Showcase! I greatly appreciate it. Hope you have a wonderful week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  14. I've got a bridal shower coming up and this would make a great gift! Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. What a perfect gift! Thanks for sharing it with us at the POPP.

  16. Love what you did what a great idea. Perfect gift!
    Blessings, Vickky

  17. This is a great idea for wedding gifts. I am featuring this at Grab my "featured" button.

  18. What a great idea. Your creativity is awesome!!

  19. SO CUTE! I want to run out to Michaels right now and make these! I would love to have you link these up at our party.



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