Monday, May 3, 2010

Simple Monogram Frame

So I have a triple Bridal shower to go to this weekend.  Three of my cousins are getting married, so this means three gifts for one weekend.  So I decided to make them!  Just something personal for each one.  Here is the first project:

A plain glass picture frame from the dollar store, it was $2.  
A wooden letter also from the dollar store $1.  

And a piece and a half of this really cool scrapbook paper from Michael's $1.69 each.

I put the scrapbook paper behind the frame (don't you love the pattern, and colour!!).

 I painted the letter M (which will be her new last names initial).

Now, I couldn't find my hot glue gun (grrr... I have no idea where it went), so don't laugh but I used a "No Nails Glue"  haha, sorry I am laughing at myself.  It's supposedly super strong!!  It's like saying I used a nail when I only needed a tac...

Here is the final product:

Hopefully she likes red!  I love the look of this, I think it looks classy.  So simple, but oh so sweet.
So cheap, that you want to make one now too, right?  I actually thought this project was so cheap to make that I added a red photo album to her gift and in the square cut out on the cover added the matching scrapbook paper from the frame.

Check later this week to find out what I am giving my other two cousins.

Glass Frame: $2.00
Wooden Letter: $1.00
Scrapbook Paper: $2.53
Total $5.53

I am linking up to:


  1. I really like this. I have all kinds of scrapbooking paper and I can get a letter from Michaels. I should do one for my bedroom. Love the color you used. I'm sure she'll love it

  2. This is great and I love the colors you chose! The M really pops but isn't too overpowering.


  3. I loooove it! I'm making a wall of M's for my living room. I may have to give this a try. Super cute!!

  4. Oh yeah, I definately want to make one! I love the frame, no mod podge needed! (Not that I'm knocking mod podge, love me some mod podge.)
    Fantastic job! I can't wait to make one for my mantle!

  5. I'm glad you ladies are getting excited to make one! Super easy!!

  6. That looks great! I really like that letter a lot better than the ones I find at the craft stores.

  7. awesome project, and she will love it because you made it especially for her!

    have a great day!


  8. What a great idea! I love it! I'm going to link to you on my blog too! (

  9. I love this! I think it looks just amazing!

  10. I love this! I think my head is bursting with inspiration! Thanks for sharing your idea.

  11. That came out great, I just love all the pretty scrap book papers they have!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I was never any good at math myself. I wrote "Let's do math" because I have a friend who's a teacher and after listening to her students complain for a few minutes, that's what she says!

  12. That is GORG! I love the colors! Shes one lucky recipient of this gift!

  13. Thanks for sharing this simple gift idea. I was just invited to a housewarming party and don't have money to spend.

    I will make a monogram! Thanks for the imspiration.

  14. So simple, yet so sharp. Nice work.

  15. Love the color and the pattern! I am also a big fan of scrapbook paper and monogram art- I did something really similar for my daughter's bathroom: I also like using wrapping paper for a background. I am a new follower from Met Monday. :D

  16. Hi I came here via Robin's Idea Book blog ( and what a lovely idea! I think alot of people can do this and at that price tag, can't beat it!

    Thanks for the great tip.

    Grace Hester

  17. LOVE this! Such a gorgeous finished project!!

  18. M-agining how much she'll love this!

  19. Oh I am definitely going to use that idea for the next shower I go to! I love it! Thanks for sharing!! :)

  20. Love this! I have to make one of these for me! I've enjoyed browsing your blog!

  21. All right - what dollar store are you shopping at? I can't find anything monogramish at mine...

  22. Great idea! I'll be adding this to my project arsenal!

  23. Is the paper under the glass? or just the back of the frame. What a lovely gift!!

  24. Wow...This is what i have been looking for and you have done a great job. Beautiful layout. Thanks for sharing.
    Scrapbooking Supplies


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