Tuesday, May 17, 2011

25 Cent Skirt Redo

So I officially started my garage saleing this last weekend, and I will start by showing you this skirt that I picked up for 25 cents!! 

 I thought it was a cute colour combination and didn't even hesitate about the size of it.  I just bought it.  

I did try it on, and the colours were just not me, but they were perfect for my daughter.

So I put it around my daughter and cut the extra fabric off.

Then I took the extra fabric and made sleeves with it.

I am skipping all the steps because you could probably figure it out it's so easy, rather than going through a boring sewing tutorial with me!

Here is the back:

And a few shots of the front:

I am glad I was able to make a dress for my daughter because she is growing out of everything and this was VERY THRIFTY!!

Also today my sisters and I made some ties for our boys for my brothers upcoming wedding.  They were so easy I had to share them with you, and the link of where to find them to make your own:

(sister in law Meg, sister Chelsea, sister Angela, Me!)

And hey, I know I have been away lately, but I have been up to my ears in projects!  I can't wait to show you!!


  1. That dress is just fabulous! And it looks so beautiful on your daughter! Angie xo

  2. The dress is perfect for her. Those sleeves look great, and like they were meant to be. Excellent job Charity!! :)

  3. Okay, that dress-from-a-skirt is just genius!

  4. Hi,

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    Great site, love the posts!

    Do visit my blog too at http://aliascreativelife.blogspot.com/

  5. Such a fun dress! I love the way the sleeves are closer together in the back than in the front. That's probably the best 25 cents you've ever spent. :)

  6. This is such a fun dress! Thank you for sharing!

  7. Making that dress was a super idea! it turned out beautiful!

  8. Ah, so cute! I like those colors, too! Great idea.

  9. its my first time here and i just wanna say its BEAUTIFUL!


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