Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Circle Skirt

I found this sewing pattern awhile ago, and saved it, knowing it was SO easy, even I could do it!  I know... me use a pattern?!!

I was at the Dollar Store getting a few things when for some random reason I looked down the aisle with the pillowcases, and found the cutest pattern.  So I bought it for the skirt I have been wanting to make for awhile now.

Cute hey!  I know, you surprise me all the time Dollarama!

I bought the elastic band at the dollar store as well, and that's pretty much all you need besides a few pieces of paper to make your pattern, and your sewing machine.

This was what it looked like all cut.

Now, I did not do a full tutorial because Dana over at Made, did the most perfect tutorial I didn't even want to try, so I thought I would just send you over there for her circle skirt tutorial!

And I would just like to say that her daughter Lucy's measurements were the same as my daughter so it made it super easy to just copy what she did.  

Okay, here it is...

Cute and flouncy!
Remember the hairbands I made for my girls here.

"My, what a nice pillowcase you have on dear!"

The perfect amount of SWING.

You can find fabric in the most surprising places.  I am always willing to take something old and make it new.  Especially when the price is amazing!

Pillowcases = 2 for $2
Elastic = $1

Total =$3
(* but I have just enough leftovers to make her another!!*)


  1. absolutely love! Your site is just wonderful. I am in love with all of your projects! Thanks for sharing your creativity!

    love, your newest follower Lindsay

  2. Hey there!
    I just wanted to let you know that I added yoru button to my blog as one of my favorite blogs!!


  3. I have been meaning to make a few circle skirts for myself and my step/daughters. Than you for posting this and helping me get my butt in gear ;-}


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