Wednesday, July 14, 2010

All Things Beautiful

I am dedicating this post to my love for all things beautiful.  The way a colour will draw me in with inspirations bursting, the way a photograph of a room makes me wish I were there, the way scenery with thickness of greenery grabs my heart.  I can't get enough of beautiful photography, art, places, colours, I want to be surrounded.  Here is what I have found that are peaking my senses, and bringing me to another world, because right now where I am, it is raining, raining, with more rain.  I need to escape!  So here it is:

(Country Living Magazine)

(photo courtesy Better Homes and Gardens)



So you can conclude from this post that I am either hungry (well, yes I am), or that I would rather be in any of these outdoor escapes than this dingy weather where I am now.  And well... I guess it's both.

Did you notice the credits!  I found this beautiful blog with the most amazing, inspiring photography.   Thanks to JL Designs for lifting my spirits!


  1. Such beautiful photos...loving the table outside in front of the white fence. Thanks for sharing!

  2. The pics are all gorgeous. I love them all and we also have rain here and snow is predicted today so the lovely warm sunny images are calling out to me too!

  3. Lovely summery pictures to cheer everyone up! It is cold and windy here. I am really not a fan of the wind... I hope the rain stops for you soon.


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