Thursday, July 8, 2010

A small profit with big rewards!

So, funny things are going on around here.  You might not think so, but they sure made me smile, and of course grab the camera!!

My son had a friend over to play, and I could hear them busy outside building (with the tools, I got him for his birthday last year, they have come in handy for me when my husbands tools aren't near by) with scraps of wood.  I thought "oh, how cute".  Then they are shuffling around in his bedroom, and carrying things out the front door!

I innocently ask "What are you guys doing?"
"Having a garage sale mom".
"OH!  Okay???"

So in all his glory, he is posing in front of his homemade table he and his friend built.

A few minutes later I see my daughter who also has a friend over come inside and ask me to make some lemonade for them, and they start setting up.  They can't let the boys earn money and not get involved.  So up goes their table, and where do they get their toys to sell from...? The Goodwill bin!  Good, get rid of it, then I don't have to take it in!

I stood back and just watched them get all excited and let them do the pricing (it was going to Goodwill anyways right?)

Now, they are waiting for their first customer...

 After the girls yelling at the top of their lungs for people to come to their garage sale a neighbour boy stops by.

Here he comes...
(notice my kids hovering around and my daughter displaying something she wants to sell)

They make a sale!

Look closer to the background of this photo...

A big Garage Sale sign on the van across the street.

Looks like their advertising was done for them, I think people were trying to find that garage sale, and maybe stopped short at my kids because our house comes first!  Who could miss 3 young girls with high pitched voices yelling "Come and get your lemonade!  Garage Sale!!"

Apparently they had a LOT of customers!

How much did they make you ask?


Split evenly between 5 of them!

At 5 and 10 cents a buy, I would say they were successful!

Everyone was happy at the end of the day, and lets just say their friends want to come over all the time and what do they ask to do??  Set up a garage sale with my Goodwill bin!


I also made some money from garage sale-ing recently.  Have you heard of the blog "My Dear Trash"?  She buys things at thrift stores, kijiji or garage sales, and turns around to sell them for what they have potential to sell at.  Well, she has inspired me to buy cheap, and sell big (or reasonably at least).  So do you remember my garage sale trip (here) when I bought this night table to fix up for $5?  And how I mulled over it before deciding when some other lady asked if she could buy it if I didn't...?  Well I of course bought it.  But...

At the very next sale I found this one for $5 and decided I wanted this one more.

Which by the way is a lot bigger than it looks in the picture and is so pretty all cleaned up.  So I ended up selling the first one on Kijiji for $10.  Yeah small profit.

Then last weekend I found this table for $5:

Which was SO cheap for being so cute.  Now I had to scrub all the stickers and marker off it to look like this but I sold again on Kijiji for $15.  Again a small benefit!

Total Spent: $10
Total Earned: $25
Profit: $15

Hmmm, what will this weekend bring???  


  1. I'm not sure what kind of rock I've been under- didn't know you were Canadian! Good on those kids. You are rubbing off on them!

  2. Looks like fun times all round and all the while making a little cash! Well done to everyone!

  3. Hey I'm following you from TTA. I can't wait to start reading your posts! Your blog looks great :) Oh that is so funny! Sounds like a hard working fun day!

    Jami @Intentionally Living...

  4. You go girl! And those little maple leaves didn't fall far from the tree, did they! How adorable they are!

    m ^..^


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