Friday, December 10, 2010


So, I love etsy, and I have been looking around at all the ornaments others have made.  Here are some cute ones I thought I would share.  And do you know, if you like them you can just click on the link and buy them!

I think this one to me looks even cuter being draped over a book.  Plus it's sparkly!

I like the simple jewel on this one, and such a cute snowflake!

Can you tell I like the sparkly things here!  Even the extra touch on top this acorn draws me in!

These are fun!  Vintage watches!

I like this one because not only is the pink so sweet, but I love the mini painting on it!

So simple!  Don't you just want this one for something?  It's so cute!

I like these wintery photos in these cute charm ornaments.

This make me want to go out and buy some modelling clay!  I love it!  And the ribbon tie is perfect.

This tatted lace snowflake is a perfect wintery addition to your tree.

I have so many ideas of ornaments I want to make now!  I love inspiration!

Which one is your favourite?

1 comment:

  1. I love them all Charity! There so cute. My favorite is the watches and the modeling clay ones. There just different but still wintery and fun :)


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