Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Mantle

I wanted something frosty this Christmas, and this is the first year I have had this fireplace in my room, so I decided to decorate it.  Well actually, I decided to decorate the one in my living room which is full of warm colours and the silver was a little too cold.  So I moved it into my bedroom and loved it!

Lets just say I hit the dollar store for all this except my favourite piece.

The silver feathers were dollar store!

I can't show you the whole fireplace for reasons coming soon.  

I love the frosted look, the only thing that is getting on my nerves is the fact that the candle holders look like soup cans!  This may be there only year to showcase.

All the silver balls were dollar store.  I loved the different kinds they have.

This cute little tree had it's only year to showcase as well because SOME HOW the dog got it and ate it.  My poor sweet tree.

This is my favourite piece!  Is it okay to be in love with it?  I've always wanted a snow globe.  

Story:  I was perusing Homesense for a snow globe, and this other lady was looking quite avidly too.  I didn't see one I liked so I went to Winners, and there it was!  In someone else's hands!!!  I walked in the other direction as to not egg on her "someone wants this, okay I am going to have to buy this now!" thoughts.  Because if you know, I feel that way when I am garage sale-ing, if I see someone else interested, then it's mine!  Anyways she put it down, and I fast walked my be-hind over and grabbed it.   THEN I went to go check out the other globes and saw the lady I saw at Homesense.  She saw my globe and I could see the envy as she searched for one just like it.  But NO, it seems like I got the only one!  And I LOVE IT!

Do you see the soup can look I am talking about?  Oh well the snow globe makes up for it!

Seriously, go to the dollar store for cute balls!

There you have it.  My frosty mantle.

What does your looks like?


  1. I really love this mantle, the feathers are awesome. Can't believe they are from the Dollar store. Wish I could find great stuff like that are Dollar Tree, think I will go there soon. Love your blog and the design. Hope you are having a blessed day.
    If you're interested I am having a blog giveaway, a $20 home depot gift card :)

  2. I wish I had a mantle. Yours looks great. I love the mixture of texture. The wall color is beautiful too.

  3. Where did you get that mirror? I have been looking for one to put on my mantle but can't find one I like!!

  4. Superstore! A couple years ago, but I love it!

  5. Your decorations looked great!! Love them! (Found your blog via the Awkward & Awesome list on The Daybook) :)


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