Monday, December 20, 2010

Gift Wrapping Ideas

I thought I would make up a quick post of fun wrappings for gifts.  If you haven't already wrapped your gifts there are some seriously cute ideas in here.  

Now, this to me is wishful thinking.  Wrapping beautifully!  

 In fact when we had our family's Christmas gathering over the weekend we did a gift exchange, and I gave a gift to my Dad, wrapped by me.  And do you know what he said... "Did you wrap this?"  From the look on his face he was hoping I was going to say, "No, one of the kids did it".  But I shamefully answered. "It was me."  

I am seriously the worst wrapper!  I'm positive I could do a good job if I took the time, BUT I don't.  I just roll the paper around the object and tape anywhere that looks like it has a peep hole.

Here is my wishful thinking.

These colours look so festive together, and I love the fun little Christmas balls on the packages!

Handmade stamped paper, wrapped in candy cane striped string, with cute buttons and handmade tags!  One year I will make the effort.  Maybe when my kids are older and it takes them more than one second to unwrap the gift.

Now, even my kids can make these snowflakes, maybe I should get them to make them all, and I can just tack them on the gift!

Okay, now this I can do!  You just have to buy a box set of chipboard alphabets and tie it on for your tag!  Great!  Done!

How very economical of you!  Newspaper anyone?!

I love this sheet music tied with a pretty ribbon!  Fantastic!

This is SO cute!  A dishtowel!  Two gifts in one!

How do you wrap?  

Are you a crazy mess like me?  Or are you savvy in your wrapping like these awesome photos?


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this inspirational post! With winter and the holidays fast approaching, I'm already getting started on my holiday shopping and having such great ideas to wrap them in is a blessing. Thank you again :-]


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