Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year!!

Any New Year resolutions?

Care to share?


Spend less time on the computer!  Not that I spend a ton of time on the computer, but it seems like when I do I am interferring with family goodness time, and hubby time.  SO, lets see, what does that mean...

Less posts, better posts!

I have so many projects that I have that I want to do this year, and I will still post them when they are complete.  But I may not be around much in between.  So keep coming back, because when I do post, you WILL love it!  Or at least that's what I tell myself.

Here is what I hope to accomplish during this year:

Yes I painted my bedroom back in May!!  But as you can see it is not done because I am putting up wainscotting, and need the hubby's help.  Lets see how long it will take to get this done, because the half wall paint job is driving me nuts!!

My table was bought off Kijiji and came with a few scuffs, but NOW it has a LOT more scuffs!!!  I am hoping to refinish it!

Oh my entry, entry, entry.  What am I going to do with you!  ANYTHING!!!  It's way to drab and screaming for a pretty fix.

Am I the only one who will put something on a wall because there was a tac there, and you have a picture around?  Not that I like this picture there (I actually hate it there), but it has been there for awhile for lack of something better to put there!  Any ideas for the awkward wall with too many switches!!!

Ten years, 4 kids later, I think we are in need of new couches!!!  Unless you want to lend me some more black duct tape, because I don't want to buy ONE more roll!

Something... ANYTHING has to be done about this closet!!!

This night table I got at this garage sale will hopefully get a paint job soon!

Last but not least... I hope to put the finishing touches on my kiddies play house.

I DO have more personal goals, but this is what I want to do around the house.  

What about you?  Any plans for the New Year?

Hey, and any ideas of what to do in my much needed spaces, give me some suggestions!!!


  1. Just stumbled upon your blog, it's beautiful. And what a gorgeous family you have. Happy New Year.

  2. great project. i think you are super talented and creative and patient, it would have been hard for me to wait overnight as well..

    found your blog via the daybook and love it, will be following



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